
Our goal is to provide renewable energy products to transition from fossil fuel heating to low carbon alternatives for new and existing homes

KERS vision to make hot water cheaper and available for all households.
The decarbonisation of water heating.

Transitioning UK Homestock

KERS adaptive heating technologies provide support to this transition in both new and existing homes. Our products are designed for specifiers, consultants housebuilders, housing providers and architects to transition housing stock from fossil fuel heating to low carbon alternatives.

UK Government milestones for the transition away from natural gas and fossil fuel heating systems

The policy roadmap has been set for households to move away from buying fossil fuels for heating


Gas and oil boilers banned in new UK homes


A ‘heat pump first’ approach to replacement heating


Target of 600,000 heat pump installs per year


Target for rented homes to reach EPC grade C

New Build Developments

KERS provide a cost effective way  for new build developments to lower their carbon consumption – meeting building regulations now and in the future.

Housing Providers

KERS support retrofitting for housing developers to transition to decarbonisation. Cheaper solutions for hot water for your housing stock.

KERS Innovations technologies reduce your bills and divert wasted energy back into your business. Good for the environment, good for your bottom line.